Amazing ideas for food photography and commercials

 Amazing ideas for food photography and commercials

Melapplon is a creative food photographer. She recites the story behind our daily life inanimate objects and she loves to personify the objects. you can check my posts on Instagram. Melapplon's instagram

We food photographer  whether amateur or professional believes in creating unique and innovative ideas to make our photos look more attractive

So here are few intriguing ways to click and add magic to your photos.

1. Let post processing create.

The original photo looked boring so I thought to create  space story with the help of PicsArt . (If you are interested in post processing then here is one of the tutorial

Space Story

2  Tell a legend .

When you have to click a traditional or region dish then you must go for  simple and traditional props (like grandmother's saare, earrings, embroidery utensils , bangles etc)


Traditional Indian thali

legend of the childhood

This shot was very clean and easy. Here is retouch of neon pens only which made it looks cute and creative.

3. Use creative food styling techniques.

What comes in your mind when you hear the word  childhood biscuits ? Must bask yourself into tales related to your past memories (Ohh they are damn cute to remember 😄). 
Here I have used an encyclopaedia ,few packets of biscuits and a glass of milk. 

childhood biscuits

4. More close to capture fine details

A detailed food picture is liked by everyone. 

Bowl of Kheer

Raisins Bread

Cardomom Bread


5. Bokeh effect

I would accept the truth that I like
Bokeh effect too much . It adds life to my photos. Bokeh in black or dark background is my perfect choice. 


Dreamy apples

Hope you have enjoyed the article. your feedbacks are most welcome. Create your image and share it with us on Instagram by using #melapplon and get a chance to be featured in my Instagram story. 
Thank you 


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