Water splash Photography with mid range phone

Water splash Photography with a mid-range phone

Melapplon is a creative food photographer. She recites the story behind our daily life inanimate objects and she loves to personify the objects. you can check my posts on Instagram. Melapplon's instagram

You might adore the beauty of splashes and always wanted to capture them but failed while shooting? what if I say that your mid-range android can do the same. no expensive piece of equipment and artificial light is needed 

my android name - Asus zenfone Max Pro M2 


1. Phone or Camera (Most important)

2 . Water

3 . A glass

4. Ice cubes to create a splash

5. Black paper

Camera settings:-

1.Open pro mode in your android camera
2. fast shutter speed like 1/ 2000 or more
3. low ISO to reduce noise
4. continuous mode
5. adjust the focus manually

NOTE - I have captured the splashes in noon natural light. When you slow your shutter speed, you need a lot of light therefore natural sunlight is advised.


Set your camera with the above-mentioned camera settings and fix your phone with a tripod( if you have). Take continuous shots and edit them afterward in Adobe Lightroom. A quick Lightroom editing tutorial is already uploaded. Editing tutorials


Clicking splashes are fun and when you get to know that it can be captured by your mid-range phone then it becomes more fun. 


Hope you have enjoyed the article. your feedbacks are most welcome. Create your image and share it with us on Instagram by using #melapplon and get a chance to be featured in my Instagram story. 

Thank you! 


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