Holi Foods : Best and latest(2021) food photography ideas

Holi Foods : Best and latest(2021) food photography ideas 

Melapplon is a creative food photographer. She recites the story behind our daily life inanimate objects, and she loves to personify the objects. You can check my posts on Instagram. Melapplon's instagram .

Are you willing to take stunning and unique photos this Holi? Then you are at the right spot! This year Melapplon is bringing totally brilliant ideas to photograph your Holi photos.

Holi colors are so vibrant, and that's why everyone tries to click them but sometimes results are quite disappointing. If you have ever faced this, then I hope this article may help you. 

Holi is a Hindu festival celebrating Spring. 
Holi starts on Wednesday, March 28, 2021, and runs for two days (this means that you have two days to showcase your extraordinary talent).

You will be happy to know that I fall in the same category where you guys fall. All my photos are taken from Asus Zenfone Max Pro M2 and under sunlight. I use artificial lights very often because I am not good at controlling artificial light. You could do it depending upon your choice.

1. Get up closer.

Taking zoomed photos show the real texture and beauty of anything. It does not matter whether it's a fruit, glass, cutlery. A close up picture is enough to tell the whole story. 

2. Showcase the items.

Holi has so many things to eat like maal pua, dahi vada, petha, samosa, custard, kachori etc. Showcase all the edibles and sprinkle holi colors in your background. 
Dry colors, and these edibles will give a pure and perfect holi vibes. 

Always keep in mind that apart from clicking, editing has its very crucial role in bringing the right shine in any photo.

Portrait photography for Holi

Let's head towards portrait photography for this Holi.

I bet that after playing Holi you guys are looking unrecognizable! Haha.. nothing new. That's the motive of Holi to bring happiness and joy. Capture your beautiful moments.

I took many zoomed photos all came out perfect after post processing or editing you say.

These ideas are for those who think that their face is not photogenic. It is recommended to wear a black googles to make your look extraordinary or swaggy. Side view is a perfect and most suitable in my opinion not only for non-photogenic face but for those who like to create their presence on social media anonymously.

In the above click, I set a fast shutter speed (1/250s) and told my sister to sprinkle dry colors. My Asus phone is too good because the pro mode is easier to use than rest of android I have used.

Take magnified photos so, that you could capture the details and texture.

I hope now you have tons of ideas revolving in your mind.


Holi is a playful festival, and it offers many such innovative ideas. Eat, click photos and don't be depressed. These are some of the ideas to try this Holi and the limit in the ideas are not bounded. It's unlimited. Take you phone or camera and start clicking. Everything is suitable and in my opinion the best gear including camera, lights, props, background, backdrops, etc is the one that you have in your hand. Pull up your socks, and I am sure that you could definitely do. Best of  luck.

I hope you have enjoyed the article. Your feedback are most welcome. Create your image and share it with us on Instagram by using #melapplon and get a chance to be featured in my Instagram story. 

Thank you! 


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