10+ Natural remedies to get rid of hairfall in lockdown

10+ Natural remedies to get rid of hairfall in lockdown.

This Covid-19 lockdown has taken a dangerous face.  Every where is lockdown, shops are closed, unavailability of resources and many more but remember  that neccesity is the mother of invention. 

So,  we brought some cheap and easily available remedies  to bring back your shiny and healthy hairs 

1. Rice water

For remedy may come and remedy may go but our asian rice water has reserve it's seat already. Rice water has vitamin E, carbohydrates , calcium, minerals etc .

How to make:-

•Method 1

Take 1 cup of rice. Wash it with water. Soak it for a couple of hours with 2 cup of water. Then strain the rice. 

•Method 2

Take 1 cup of rice. Wash it and then boil it with 2 cup of water.  Strain the boiled rice and you are done.

NOTE - Store the liquid in fridge and don't worry  if it stinks  because the fermented rice water  is actually more advantagous for your hair. 

How to use:-

Use rice water as conditioner, hair serum, or rinse it. It works well for each and everything and have no side effects. 

Apply a portion of rice water and let it dry. You hair is ready or rinse it while washing.

2. Oil massage 

Massaging your scalp de-stress you as well as helps in restoring the nutrients. Give some time to your hair everyday and treat yourself with a massage. 

How to use:-

•Take a portion of oil(oil can be essential oil, coconut oil, mustard oil, and olive oil for best results) in a bowl. 

•Massage directly on your scalp. 

•Either leave it for whole day or wash it after few hours. 

3. Aloe vera 

I think Aloevera  is something that is easily available and enrich with tons of nutrients. Due to it's moisturizing ability it has gain popularity and in demand also.

How to use:-

•Cut a leaf of Aloe vera.

•With a help of a spoon extract the jelly part.

•Rub it on your scalp and sit for an hour.

•Rinse it with cold water. 


Fenugreek is a traditional way for hair growth problem. It has nicotinic acid and protein rich.

How to make:-

In a bowl add 1tps of fenugreek seed and soak it overnight. Then blend it in a mixing jar to make a thick, mucilaginous paste.

How to use:-

Apply fenugreek paste in your scalp firmly, sit for 1 hour and rinse it with mild shampoo.

5. Indian gooseberry

Indian gooseberry is magical, has lots of nutrients that unlock the hair and moreover it is an age old remedy.

How to make:-

•In a mortal add small pieces of gooseberry and crush it well. 

•Strain the juice with the help of a cloth.

How to use :-

Apply the juice on your scalp with the help of finger tips. Sit for ½ an hour and then wash it with mild shampoo. 

6. Neem paste

Neem is basic or alkaline in nature and it prevents hairfall ,restore the alkaline balance.

How to make:-

Take some fresh leaf , wash it with water and blend it in blender(It will be coarse not smooth)

How to use:-

Add paste on your scalp and apply all over it. 

Wash it with mild shampoo after 15-20 minutes.

7. Flax seed 

Flax seed is fulfilled with many nutrients and is in trend also. It's a protein house. 

How to make+ how to use it

In a bowl add 2tps of flaxseed and soak for minimum 3days and maximum 6days. 

Strain the semi thick liquid  and apply all over the scalp.wait for 10 minutes and wash it. 

8. Honey 

Are you looking for shiny hair? Then here is the hero. Honey works well for all types of hair .

How to make

Mix 2tps of honey with 2tps of olive oil.

How to use

Apply this paste on your scalp and leave it untouched for 10-15 minutes and then rinse it with mild shampoo.

9.Raw milk

Milk is boon for your body as well as for your hair. Raw milk has more nutrient value than boiled one but if not available then go with boiled one.

How to use

Take ½cup of raw milk in a cup .

Apply firmly on your scalp with the help of your finger tips.

Leave it for 10-15 minutes and then wash it.

NOTE- Make sure to wash your hair with shampoo or otherwise it will stink.

10. Green tea

Yes you heard it very well. Green tea is an amazing antioxidant and a cleanser too.

How to make:-

•In a cup add 1 cup of warm water and a green tea bag

•Leave for 5 minutes.

•Let it cool a bit

How to use:-

Apply green tea on your scalp with finger tips .

•Sit for 5-10 minutes.

•Wash it with mild shampoo.

11. You are what you eat

Enrich your diet with protein (body building nutrient) and iron rich food such as milk, fresh veggies, fruits and prevent canned food. Eating a healthy food makes you mentally, physically as well as morphologically healthy. A healthy food gives shine not only your hair but the whole body.

Stay tuned! Stay updated!

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